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Faces of Entheon
2021, digital, NFT, 1920 x 1080 Pixels

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Faces of Entheon, NFT, reveals the twenty-one foot high sculptural countenance planned for Entheon. The continuous band of faces that will wrap the building, symbolize the transcendent unity of all sacred paths. A band of Secret Writing, the art of Allyson Grey, wrapping the upper temple, signify the the unpronounceable language of creative Spirit. Above each Cosmic Eye of the continuous band of identical Godheads that ring the building, symbols of different world wisdom traditions are represented. Angels of Creative Imagination are tears of mercy on the cheeks of the many-faced Godhead. Each angel wields a Hermetic healing staff. Angels of Creativity bridge the Cosmic Eye of God and the human eye. Entheon means a place to discover the God within. At CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, Entheon, Sanctuary of Visionary Art, is now under construction in the Hudson Valley of New York.

2021, digital, NFT, 1080 x 1350 Pixels

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In this animated x-ray depiction of love, the golden flame symbolizes consciousness and spirit. Two golden flame infinity bands loop through the hearts and minds of the couple, suggesting the bond of infinite love which transcends the impermanence of the flesh. Albert Hofmann, the chemist who discovered LSD described Love as the highest distillation of Sunlight. The inevitable consequence of Love is the building of Temples.

2021, digital, NFT, 1920 x 1080 Pixels

Bridging both lower and higher realms, the hero points in both directions, yet he focuses his vision upward, aligned with the light in his heart. First symbolized in alchemical engravings, the Monochord is a single strand strung from Heaven to Earth. We are that string and God tunes us.

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Sol Invictus
2021, digital, NFT, 850 x 1080 Pixels

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Sol Invictus, the Invincible Sun, symbolizes the state of mystic identity with Transcendental Light and Love. The four faces and vertical eyes of this luminous being point to the People of the Four Directions, coming together in Visionary Oneness.

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