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  5. Progress of the Soul
Adam & Eve
1988, oil on linen, 60 x 60 in.
Visionary Origin of Language
1998, acrylic on paper, 10 x 14 in.
Body, Mind, Spirit
1985, oil on linen, 12 x 12 in.
2002, oil on wood, 20 x 20 in.
1984, oil on linen, 36 x 48 in.
New Man New Woman
1984, oil on linen, 30 x 22 in.
Holy Grail
2008, acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 in.
The Kiss
2008, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
One Taste
2009, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
1989, oil on linen, 20 x 24 in.
1984, oil on linen, 96 x 75 in.
Buddha Embryo
2001, pen & ink on linen paper, 10 x 8 in.
Love Circuit
2008, oil on wood, 40 x 60 in.
New Family
1986, oil on linen, 60 x 90 in.
Zena Lotus
1990, oil on linen, 24 x 30 in.
1997, oil on wood, 24 x 36 in.
1996, oil on linen, 30 x 25 in.
2002, acrylic on wood, 14 x 11 in.
2001, oil on linen, 24 x 30 in.
Holy Family
2007, acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 in.
Young & Old
2002, acrylic on linen, 16 x 20 in.
Laughing Man
1986, oil on linen, 30 x 30 in.
1984, oil on linen diptych, 72 x 48 in.
1995, oil on wood, 38 x 48 in.
1998, acrylic on linen, 8 x 10 in.
Kiss of the Muse
2013, acrylic on linen, 30 x 40 in.
2013, acrylic on linen, 11 x 14 in.
1985, oil on linen, 30 x 24 in.
2004, acrylic on linen, 16 x 8 in.
Cosmic Creativity
2012, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
Cosmic Lovers
1987, oil on linen, 24 x 36 in.
Emerald Grail
2014, acrylic on wood panel, 16 x 12 in.
Mysteriosa 2
2015, acrylic on linen, 24 x 30 in.
Earth Energies
1987, acrylic on paper, 30 x 18 in.
Ohio Song
2001, oil on linen, 14 x 11 in.
2008, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
Symbiosis: Gall Wasp & Oak Tree
2010, oil on wood, 12 x 12 in.
Humming Bird
2005, acrylic on wood, 8 x 10 in.
Vajra Horse
2005, oil on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Tree & Person
2000, acrylic on wood, 8 x 10 in.
2006, acrylic on canvas, 96 x 96 in.
1995, oil on wood, 8 x 10 in.
1996, acrylic on linen, 16 x 20 in.
1995, oil on wood, 8 x 10 in.
1997, acrylic on linen, 16 x 20 in.
2001, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Nuclear Crucifixion
1980, oil on linen, 126 x 114 in.
2017, oil on canvas, 60 x 84 in.
Journey of the Wounded Healer
1985, oil on linen, 216 x 90 in.
1993, oil on linen, 72 x 56 in.
Glimpsing the Empyrean
1997, acrylic on wood, 8 x 16 in.
2013, acrylic on resin panel, 60 x 120 in.
Planetary Prayers
2010, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 80 in.
1985, acrylic on linen, 24 x 30 in.
2010, oil on linen, 114 x 90 in.
The Shulgins and their Alchemical Angels
2010, acrylic on wood, 24 x 30 in.
Ayahuasca Visitation
2001, color pencil & acrylic on black paper, 11 x 16 in.
2001, acrylic on paper, 11 x 14 in.
Vision Tree
2001, oil on linen, 36 x 48 in.
Cannabis Mudra
2007, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Cannabis Sutra
2007, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 in.
Third Eye Tears of Joy
2014, acrylic on linen, 24 x 30 in.
Body/Mind as a Vibratory Field of Energy
1987, acrylic on wood, 8 x 16 in.
DMT - The Spirit Molecule
2000, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Dissectional Art for Tool's Lateralus CD
2001, ink on paper & acrylic on acetate, 17 x 11 in.
Deities & Demons Drinking from the Milky Pool
1987, acrylic on linen, 60 x 60 in.
Liberation Through Seeing
2004, oil on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Ram Dass
2018, oil on wood panel, 48 x 48 in.
Cosmic Christ
2000, oil on wood, 50 x 102 in.
Dalai Lama
1995, acrylic on wood, 18 x 24 in.
Adi Da
1998, oil on linen, 48 x 48 in.
The Seer
2018, acrylic on wood panel, 16 x 20 in.
The union of Human and Divine Consciousness weaving the fabric of
Space and Time in which the Self and its surroundings are embedded
1986, acrylic on linen, 180 x 60 in.

During deep meditation, I entered a state where all energy systems in my body were completely aligned and flowing. It was in this state that I envisioned Theologue. I was wearing a Mindfold which allowed me to stare into total darkness. I stared into an infinite regress of electric perspective grids that radiated from my brain/mind and led to the horizon. A mystic fire engulfed me. Across the horizon all I could see were perspective lines going into deep space. I was seeing both the perceptual grid of my mind on which space and time are woven, and the universal mind which was both the source and the weaving loom. At this moment, faintly, Himalayan mountains appeared. Transparent, but present, they formed a vast and beautiful panorama and then disappeared back into the grid.

Yogi & the Möbius Sphere
1987, acrylic on linen, 8 x 16 in.
2002, acrylic on linen, 11 x 14 in.
Power to the Peaceful
2005, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
1985, oil on linen, 50 x 88 in.
Spirit Animates the Flesh
1985, oil on linen, 10 x 24 in.
Hands that See
1984, oil on linen, 14 x 14 in.
Praying Hands
2008, acrylic and colored pencil on paper, 12 x 9 in.
Nature of Mind
1996, oil on wood, 68 x 78 in.

One morning, a series of seven visions flashed into my mind. As soon as I drew one image, another replaced it until I had drawn a complex seven-stage journey of a wanderer discovering the spiritual path, having an introduction to his own true nature, embodying that truth, and reentering society.

I spent the next year painting each scene and sculpted an unusual frame to hold the paintings. As I was working on the painting, a poem related to each panel came through me. The finished altarpiece, Nature of Mind, is my homage to the artists and wisdom masters of Tibet. The Tibetan Buddhist teachings known as Dzogchen were the inspiration for these visions.

In Dzogchen texts various symbols distinguish between the conceptual dualistic “mind” and the self-liberated, non dual “nature of mind”. The thoughts of the dualistic judging mind are symbolized as clouds that arise and dissolve in the open vastness of the skylike nature of mind. The mirror is also a potent tool for illustrating this distinction. The mirror reflects all things, beautiful or horrible, and the dualistic mind gets caught up in the reflections, judging what it likes and dislikes, becoming emotionally charged about relatively inconsequential matters. The Dzogchen teachings advise us not to identify with the passing reflections but to recognize that our true nature of mind is the mirror’s infinite capacity for reflection.

There are numerous vajra symbols throughout the various panels of the Nature of Mind painting, and in the frame surrounding the images the vajra motif is found sometimes in winged guises. In Tibetan Buddhism, vajra (also called Dorje) carries the association of transformative spiritual knowledge and is a symbol of the mind’s true essence. Other sculptural details on the frame include Manjushri’s sword of discriminating wisdom hovering above a sacred text that is emerging from a lotus. The lotus is a symbol of transformation because it begins life in the mucky underwater mud and grows up toward the light, opening as a beautiful pure white blossom. The Melong, or circular mirror, at the top of the frame pillar is a Dzogchen symbol of the ability to distinguish between the conceptual mind and the true nature of mind. The Tibetan syllable Ah is used as a mantra symbolizing primordial perfection; it is found both on the frame and in the second painted panel, on a book cover held by the dead yogi. The dragon like beings sculpted on the right and left sides of the frame are hybrid guardians called makaras with attributes of elephants and crocodiles.“

2001, oil on linen, 20 x 24 in.
The Soul Finds It's Way
2001, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
1993, oil on linen, 60 x 90 in.
Original Face
1995, oil on linen, 85 x 24 in.
Seraphic Transport Docking on the Third Eye
2004, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Fractal Eyes
2009, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Ophanic Eyelash
2007, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Psychomicrograph of a Fractal Paisley Cherub Feather Tip
2003, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Angel Skin
2006, acrylic on wood panel, 11 x 14 in.
Spectral Lotus
2007, acrylic on wood, 11 x 14 in.
Guardian of Infinite Vision
2005, acrylic on linen, 30 x 40 in.
2010, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30 in.
Jewel Being
2006, oil on wood, 24 x 24 in.
Diamond Being
2003, oil on wood, 24 x 24 in.
Song of Vajra Being
2005, oil on wood, 24 x 24 in.
Vajra Being
2005, oil on wood, 24 x 24 in.
Secret Writing Being
2005, oil on linen, 25 x 25 in.

Collaboration with Allyson Grey.

Mayan Being
in Collaboration with Allyson Grey
2012, acrylic on canvas, 72 x 36 in.
Peyote Being
2005, oil on wood, 24 x 24 in.
Steeplehead 1
2014, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30 in.
Steeplehead 2
2014, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30 in.
2012, oil on linen, 72 x 72 in.

There are a continuum of avatars who have been sent by the Almighty
to enlighten and uplift the world. These sage beings have interfused
their most human self with the Divine source. In every generation,
like a perennial plant, they emerge, when conditions for their reception
cry out. Every person is an aspect of one Godself — the avatars
are simply the purest example. Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Yeshe
Tsogyal,Ibn Arabi, Rumi, Plato, Plotinus, St. Teresa, Hildegard
von Bingen, Emerson, Ramana Maharshi, Adi Da, Ken Wilber.
These and many other wisdom masters have shown humanity the
way toward the Godself inherent in all beings. By their teachings and
example and radiant presence, humanity evolves spiritually. Like a
fire by which we can warm and guide ourselves, the Godself attracts
and calls to our own soul, showing the path to realization.
So study the mystic texts and truths from all traditions. Familiarize
your smaller self with your Godself beyond all limitations. The
same light and love flows through the wisdom of each tradition.
Religion is a means to link God and Self. The teachings are tools for
transformation and keys to enter the timeless. We use the practices
of the traditions such as meditation and prayer to rise beyond the
tradition toward the One Godself. When judging whether a teaching
is adequate to the task of enlightenment, look to the teachers, the
exemplars. To what degree are they realized? To what degree are
they living and speaking and expressing as Godself? When you
have found the mystic fire, stand close. Your obstructions to Godself
will begin to melt away and burn off as cinders. You will see the
ashes of fear and self-hatred, delusion, and misguided desire as the
fire consumes your body with Love Bliss and Infinite Awareness.
Body Mind is the fuel of the Mystic Fire. Shine with the light of
Compassion, Laughter, Generosity, Faith, Creativity, and Wisdom.
Your life is a medium for the Godself.
— Alex Grey with Allyson Grey
excerpt from Net of Being, 2012

White Light
1999, oil on wood, 16 x 20 in.
Buddha Zygote
Buddha Zygote
Buddha Zygote
Self-Replicating DNA Molecule
Self-Replicating DNA Molecule
Self-Replicating DNA Molecule
X and Y Chromosomes
X and Y Chromosomes
X and Y Chromosomes
Mitosis 1
Mitosis 1
Mitosis 1
Mitosis 2
Mitosis 2
Mitosis 2
Eighteen Days
Eighteen Days
Eighteen Days
Twenty Days
Twenty Days
Twenty Days
Twenty-Two Days
Twenty-Two Days
Twenty-Two Days
Twenty-Three Days
Twenty-Three Days
Twenty-Three Days
Twenty-Five Days
Twenty-Five Days
Twenty-Five Days
Twenty-Four Days
Twenty-Four Days
Twenty-Four Days
Forty Days
Forty Days
Forty Days
Fifty-Two Days
Fifty-Two Days
Fifty-Two Days
Sixteen Weeks
Sixteen Weeks
Sixteen Weeks
Three to Eight Months
Three to Eight Months
Three to Eight Months
Full Term
Full Term
Full Term
Vajra Heart
Vajra Heart
Vajra Heart
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 1
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 1
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 1
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 2
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 2
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 2
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 3
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 3
Journey of the Wounded Healer · 3
Holy Fire · 1
Holy Fire · 1
Holy Fire · 1
Holy Fire · 2
Holy Fire · 2
Holy Fire · 2
Holy Fire · 3
Holy Fire · 3
Holy Fire · 3
Air & Mountain Consciousness
Air & Mountain Consciousness
Air & Mountain Consciousness
Earth Consciousness
Earth Consciousness
Earth Consciousness
Forest Consciousness
Forest Consciousness
Forest Consciousness
Galactic Consciousness
Galactic Consciousness
Galactic Consciousness
Ocen Consciousness
Ocen Consciousness
Ocen Consciousness
Solar System Consciousness
Solar System Consciousness
Solar System Consciousness
Nature of Mind · 1
Nature of Mind · 1
Nature of Mind · 1

A wanderer from the West
Did go upon an unclear path.
As bone and flesh, alone they went
Through dark unholiness.

A wonder, “Can I find myself?”
Brought clearing and a voice,
“Nobly Born, seek spiritual dawn
The path is open, it’s your choice.”

Nature of Mind · 2
Nature of Mind · 2
Nature of Mind · 2

Along the path, Death,
Mirror of future collapse.
Animal powers surround and protect
The teacher as a Corpse.

The teaching is taken.
The Sun emerges.
Book of the Dead,
Direct me, resurrect me.

Nature of Mind Panel · 3
Nature of Mind Panel · 3
Nature of Mind Panel · 3

Climbing the mountain, slipping and
Falling, struggling to upper reaches,
The path of practice can be long
And arduous as it teaches.

Holy Book ignites a Vision,
Seeker becomes Seer.
Karmic preparation allows
The face of the Guru to appear.

Nature of Mind · 4
Nature of Mind · 4
Nature of Mind · 4

The three worlds are united,
From lesser to greater Being.
Visions spontaneously liberate
As vastness nakedly seeing.

Awareness supreme and central,
Voidness radiant and clear.
Inner sun, outer sun, non-dual,
In the heart no desire or fear.

Guardians cut loose my empty husk,
A human skin pelt of turquoise sky.
Reveal the mandala of Great Perfection,
A resplendent Buddha, I.

Nature of Mind · 5
Nature of Mind · 5
Nature of Mind · 5

The essential Vajra teaching,
Condensed in a rainbow sun,
Transmits a fractal message,
“Wake up, Everyone!”

The inspired yogi reaches
For universal truth’s jewel,
Encoded in a heart drop,
Or a crystalline molecule.

Nature of Mind · 6
Nature of Mind · 6
Nature of Mind · 6

Diamond scepter Vajra,
Pure of stain or ill,
Now has found its heart home
As the engine of creative will.

Empowered to penetrate others,
With primordial waves of bliss,
Shimmering resonant lovewebs
Spread out to boundlessness.

Nature of Mind · 7
Nature of Mind · 7
Nature of Mind · 7

All beings and things included
In the Bodhisattva’s vow.
Therefore a return to the world
But in touch with the timeless now.

An elixir of wisdom and compassion
Does Maitreya bring to all.
Everyone is a future Buddha.
Listen deep for the inner call.

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